February Photos - 13, 14, 15, 16

by Kristi Van Dyk in

Yeah! So I epically failed ... It's not that I didn't think about posting a picture a day. I simply didn't do it. On the 13th, Steve and I had a special date for Valentine's Day. We ended up going to our friends, the Commerets (http://thecommeretcorner.blogspot.com) for a fantastic dinner with the Netz family, and the Scott Van Dyke family (of Kalamazoo ... we do actually have two friends who are Scott Van Dyke ...) and, obviously the Commerets. It was a great time of fellowship and just general merriment! We weren't exactly popping out the camera for that event, but, in honor of "the day of love" I'll give you a great throwback. Here's me with my Valentine (it might be one of the oldest photos of us together ... we weren't even officially dating, just friends!)

The 14th saw massive iPhone drama. I literally spent most of my day chasing down the solution to my non-functioning visual voicemail. One thing led to another and Valentine's dinner became heart shaped pizzas with my parents, the kids, Steve and his sister, Sarah. There were some fun pics from that day, so I'll let 14, 15 and 16 be from that event :) .... (I know it's sort of cheating but there hasn't been much to photograph over here since Monday ... just lots of sleeping kids!)

Kayleigh's Grandpa pulled her up and down the hill so many times ... such a labor of love that I know he enjoyed (though he might be feeling it today!)

Benner LOVED that Mommy gave him his own red velvet cupcake. (Don't worry too much, mini cupcakes ...). I'm pretty sure it was the reason he was awake the entire van ride home too ... smooth move, Kristi

Having Aunt Sarah join us was so much fun! We were all excited to see her before she flies off on vacation!

Happy Valentine's Week everyone!