Andre's Gift

by Kristi Van Dyk in

This summer Andre got into drinking dirty water from Kayleigh's old baths. The tub drains slowly and he'd race in to see what he could lap up from the "moving water." If there were cups or bath toys that didn't get emptied, you could be certain to find him later that evening "cleaning up the mess." He always had water, but it seemed he preferred the moving water. So, like I always do when I have a question, I consulted "The Google." I found that cats much prefer "moving water" to still/stagnant water because it's better oxygenated and helps hydrate them more effectively. Then I saw ridiculously priced cat fountains over $150 each. I wanted my cat to be properly hydrated (and really wanted him to stop drinking from the bath water), but I wasn't going to spend $150. I did a little more research and discovered I could be a lower end model for just $29.99. I realize that's still a lot to spend on a water dish, but ... we haven't purchased anything new for Andre since Kayleigh was born. I figure since he put up with two new babies without ever once coming close to harming a hair on their heads, he deserved a great gift.

He's thanked me by completely avoiding the tub, and be even tolerating Rafa's adoption without much fuss. Here is, happily lapping up water from top of the waterfall.

[caption id="attachment_705" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="$29.99 well spent"][/caption]