Nature vs. Nurture

by Kristi Van Dyk in

Today I was brought back to my days in Educational Psychology where we discussed how much of a child is truly moldable based upon environment. I recall walking away with the conclusion that so much can be taught through a nurturing environment. I attempt, as I raise my daughter, to reflect on what this environment has taught her. I also ponder just how much of that is nature manifesting itself and how much is my nurturing. I haven't really come to any conclusions except that ... all of these traits are insanely like me ... only multiplied in their intensity. I'm not worried yet, but if they continue to grow, we could have some interesting days ahead. This morning's 5 "B's": (1). Blanket: The blanket comes everywhere with us now. It's a permanent fixture in my child's life, her every comfort tool. She can't relax without it, and I don't make her try. The pacifier isn't far behind, but since we're working on weening that off, we allow the blanket. Today  I watched her interact with the blanket and noticed several things ... when she sits down she will take a moment and carefully arrange it so as to cover her legs and feet entirely. She will then tuck it underneath her so she stays firmly enclosed the entire time she sits. Since she was adamant about taking her blanket with her downstairs this morning (and she scoots downstairs sitting), it took nearly 15 minutes to get from the top of the stairs to the bottom because, before she would scoot her butt down a step, the blanket HAD to be exactly, properly, placed. She WOULD NOT be rushed or hurried. No step could be skipped ...

(2). Breakfast: Each morning Kayleigh has a routine. We get up, she kisses mama, gets her diaper changed, then heads off to eat her Cheerios and Toast with a glass of orange juice. Recently we added "watching" the picture frame ... she likes to have something to do while she eats and Mommy isn't always there to talk to her. So, she will simply names people in the pictures as she eats. This morning, after she kissed me good morning she walked me, verbally, through her routine. I skipped a step (forgot to turn off the fan in her room before leaving) and went straight to the soggy diaper. She WOULD NOT lay down and be changed for all her screaming, OFF MOMMA OFF OFF OFF. We had to put the pants back on, go turn off the fan and return to the "dipper" (diaper). I was additionally absent minded (twice in one morning, I know...) but I forgot to turn on the frame. So when I stepped away from the table I was greeted with whiny  cries "TICTURE, TEE TEE, TICTURE, TEE TEE." We COULD NOT skip a step ...

(3). Barfettes: Kayleigh loves playing with her barrettes in her room. She insists on wearing them in the mornings (but only in the mornings). She must be wearing two, and they must be of the same kind. Because I don't always return the single barrette I use to the card there are several colors which she will NEVER wear. She must have both, and they must both be in at the same time. If she senses that you have tried to pull a switcheroo (or sees it in the mirror) she will scream and pull them out ... No mismatches, Mother ...

(4). Blinds: We were playing in her room today and Kayleigh made it quite clear that (after the music was turned on, to a suitable song ... we went through at least 15 before she found one that fit her mood ... the lights were lit to her liking ... her lamp lights in pieces or all at once and she only wanted certain colors on) she would like the blinds up so she could look out the window. Because it's difficult for me to reach over her brother and the headboard, I simply threw open a few blinds that didn't cause me discomfort. That was a mistake. We spent the next 20 minutes "fixing" them so that all of the blinds were open to EXACTLY equal height. This kid was pointing, whining, (and then when she realized the words), saying Up Up until the blinds (covering all 4 adjacent windows) were perfect. Then she nodded her head, clapped her hands, and gave me a "hi momma" as if to say "thank you."

(5). **** This is easily my favorite of the 5 B's *****: BLAGH ... It's Kayleigh's word for anything disgusting. And there are many things that are disgusting to Kayleigh. One is a pacifier that she has had in her mouth for too long. She doesn't like the spit that comes off of it and will insist that you get her a new one that isn't "BLAGH." ... She also finds her hands "blagh" after snacking on Cheerios, falling in the dirt, wiping her own nose and will come running to Mommy with her hands out, screaming and crying until they are wiped down. She was MOST distraught this morning when we painted a picture for Dadda (posted below) and Baby Brother (not posted because his name is on it); she had paint on her hands, her chest, her face, her feet..???, everywhere. It was a near meltdown until she realized Mommy could take care of that too. BUT my favorite blagh of the morning came when she was contentedly playing by herself. She came over to hug my leg and I said, more out of habit than anything, "What are you doing, Kayleigh?" Imagine my surprise when she looked me square in the face and said "POOP." I started laughing, sure that she had picked up the lingo from her father or me during some random conversation. I made a mental note that we MUST stop using any more foul words lest she pick those up. When ... I smelled it. She hadn't just been throwing out a new word, she really told me what she was doing. I looked at her and said, "Did you dirty your diaper?" Again, looked at me with the same intentional face and nodded ... "BLAGH ... dipper" Potty training, we aren't far away ... :)