Been a long time …

by Kristi Van Dyk in

It's, again, been a while since I've had enough time (and when I do have the time - had the energy to stay awake) to make a blog post. In that time, the kids have grown (Ben in physical appearance and Kayleigh in vocabulary) so much. I'm finding that we're busier in the summer than in the school year (by a long shot)! So many things available to do that it feels like we're going somewhere everyday! I'm already dreading the coming of winter and the - stay inside and feel dreary all day long season! But for now, we have plenty to look forward to (despite the fact that June is almost over!!) Some of the fun things ahead: ~ A week at Maranatha for fun in the sun and on the beach with Grandma and Grandpa (while Daddy is gone). ~ Day trips to GR to have playdates with Aunt Alaina and Ryan ~ A trip to Fredrick Meijer Gardens with Great Grandpa Van Dyk ~ A week as a whole family at the Potter's Cottage on The Channel and steps from the pool at Maranatha ~  A Tigers game with the Hoeksemas (Date TBD, but it's happening) without the kiddos for our anniversary #6. ~ Days at the Ipema's, which have yet to be determined and will probably happen spontaneously ~ Backyard pool fun!!!!

Sigh .. even with a little baby, summer is just so much fun. There are so many options of things to do to keep the days from getting boring and monotonous. And with school out, we have so many additional playmates!! Life is good.

Highlights of things we've already done this summer: ~ A beach day at Bass Lake with Uncle Dan, Aunt Alaina, Ryan, Grammy and Grandpa and the whole Bentley family ~ An afternoon at Grandpa and Grandma Van Dyk's with Daddy (for Kayleigh) ~ An overnight in Chicago to visit Shedd's Aquarium with Benji, Mommy and Daddy (not quite as fun as we had hoped ... but ... live and learn!)

Updates on the growing going on: Benjamin is beginning to fill out his 3 month clothing ... he hasn't been weighed since his 2 week appt and won't again until the end of July. But his cheeks are chubbier, his tummy fatter, and his double chin quite a bit more pronounced. Ben LOVES movement so the swing and his vibrating rocker are easily his favorite toys. He's basically screaming if he can't be moving or sleeping or eating. When he does have quiet moments of snuggling, he loves to be held sitting up, facing the world: have to see stuff and do stuff ... no just gazing at Mommy or Daddy for this little guy. He definitely has smiles that flicker across his face. We're working on determining their intentionality ... stay tuned :). However, he is a strong little guy and holding up his head seems to be his primary goal. Whenever he can he practices steadying that thing; I don't think it will be too long before he's ready for that stage.

Kayleigh has progressed to frequently using two or three word phrases. She will readily ask for "more cheerios please" or "more juice mommy." She is starting to pick up on verbs as well as nouns (I only notice this because I learned that children who learn English tend to pick up on nouns first where as other languages might start with verbs ...) I'm hearing: Sit, walk, stand, stop, GO, sleep, and READ as well as new nouns like: bird, frog, monkey, baby, BENNY, pillow, bed, blocks, bottle, phone, brush, shoes, car, etc. She also has a few adjectives: BIG ball and SAD Benny, and we're working on colors. She loves using the possessive to tell us which items belong to each person in the family. "Benny's ... Mommy's ... Daddy's ... Gammy's ... etc" I think the most astonishing thing thats she's mastered is her ability to listen and follow instructions (sometimes multiple instructions). When I'm trying to round up the crew to leave I can say, "Kayleigh we're going in the car. Please put on your sandals." She will walk to her room, squat down by her drawer, and proceed to spend the next 5 minutes fastening her purple sandals. If you try to interfere with her independence you can expect a tantrum. She is proud of her abilities and wants nothing more than to use them. Her father loves abusing this, "Kayleigh, get Daddy the remote." She smiles and happily toddles to find it and retrieve it chanting "Tee tee, tee tee" the whole way.

Her new favorite activities include: Snuggling in bed with Mommy and Daddy (at all hours of the day), sitting on the other part of Mommy's lap (the one not being used to feed her constantly eating brother) and READ or watch MICKEY (she is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). She loves going out - "in the car" or "in the stroller." So, we try to keep her entertained ...

I think that's about it. I thought this post would be relatively even in its talk about both children, but honestly, since I'm not sure if Benji's smiles are intentional, I don't have much to say on him! Kayleigh just learns by the minute ... I'm sure it will balance itself out soon enough!

Anyway, we're headed to Auntie Alaina's today, so I should probably use my few minutes of quiet time to pack up the van. Hopefully, I'll return to consistent posts soon :)