And a child shall lead them

by Kristi Van Dyk

Last night I was reflecting on our marriage conference, setting my heart right for this next week of work and school, wondering if we would hear something this week when God led me through my previous blog posts. He took me by the hand nudged me through the written records of that divine hand in our lives. He led me straight to this treasure: "Something tells me I'll want to remember this."  

Check the date on that post. May 13, 2015. 2015!!!! Almost a year, to the day, when we received the donation call that launched our adoption from dream to reality. God heard the prayer of our little dreamer. He has been actively orchestrating this story even further back than I remembered. Back when no one followed our blog - back when all of this was a dream too big to utter in public. And my sweet sweet girl was willing. She heard his voice too. Her heart was big. She was compelled by a story. 


May I learn from her.

May I listen to that still small voice, to His tugging at my heart, always.

May I not let the realities of the world hinder the power of our Heavenly Father to see His will come to pass.